Institutional Gifts/Souvenirs from P C Chandra Exports Pvt. Ltd

Your satisfaction ! Our assurance


Institutional Souvenirs

All about PCC Exports

P. C. Chandra Exports offers various range of Corporate Gifts and Souvenirs, Household utility items, medals made of gold, silver and bronze, Plaques of different shape and metal. Mementoes, Lifestyle jewellery, crockery and cutlery, novelty items, to meet the Institutional need in bulk. We, at P. C. Chandra Exports maintain highest standard of quality and manufacturing process to upkeep our reputation. Ontime delivery wherever you want, is our assurance. Feel free to contact us through mail/phone. We will be at your service... more



Mr. Suvro Chandra, Managing Director of PCC Exports in GJS at Jio Convention Center, Mumbai.

Because we value each of our customers and as you become the part of our legacy we have more reason to delight you with institutional souvenirs and gifts.

P. C. Chandra Group volunteers for social service in medical, educational, cultural, sports and greenery projects. P. C. Chandra Award is conferred on distinguished personalities every year in these fields of community. Click for details